Summer 2018 marks the launch of this new program which is greatly inspired by our Playwork Campference in 2017. During the campference it was clear to us how valuable it is to create space where play workers from all over the world and all levels of experience could come together with others who were interested in learning more about playwork and working with children in an inclusive way. Two very distinct elements rang strong for us. First, having the ability to actively participate in play working with a professional play worker including shadowing them and secondly, hands on workshops where vastly informative day to day and overarching theoretical practices of play working were shared as well as discussions focused on each participants situation and their needs in it.
With our understudy program we once again want to create a saturated experience where participants can not only practice play working with a professional play worker but also get customized activities and workshop content to help them in their own particular arena.
What is Playwork and what makes it different?
The playwork field formed alongside the creation of the adventure playground beginning in the 1930's/40's in post World War II Europe. On the first adventure playgrounds, or "junkyard playgrounds" as they were called then, adult staff were there to keep the keys to the tool sheds where materials were kept for the children. As time went on these "play wardens" began to observe how their involvement with the children would greatly shift the play and when they were least involved, the play thrived and the children vastly gained benefits to their time at the playground. As more adventure playgrounds formed, the play wardens began to communicate with each other on their observations and experiences with the children they worked with. This led the shift from play wardens to play advocates with the mentality to protect and hold the space for the children where adults were not dictating their experience and to allow children to take chosen risks both physically, socially, and beyond.
Not long after, play advocates shifted into playworkers. Communicating and recording the ins and outs of what went on at the adventure playgrounds led to the development of research, studies, and more awareness of how youth respond to having their own space as well as their relationships with the adults there. Fast forward to today where one can find many texts, studies, research, and even higher level educational programs on playwork. There is even a Phd in playwork!
In the U.S., there really isn't a good comparison to existing occupations working with children to playworking.
To quote the
Playworkers try to make the space feel like no adults are there at all if possible. The will join in the play if invited by the children, provide materials in advance to keep the play going, try to foresee their needs so they can play with as little obstructions as possible etc. Playworkers do a lot of head work too! Each kid is different and has different needs and personality traits. Playworkers observe and decide how best they can accommodate each child and often times that means a whole group of them at the same time!
It involves a lot of open and inclusive language where there is no "leading" of their thoughts or actions whenever it is possible. It takes a lot of inner knowledge of one's own "play triggers" which may lead the playworker to project their needs onto the kids by reacting or responding based on their personal histories and not the kids actively playing.
Theresa Giacomino - Outreach Manager for Children's Museum of Sonoma County
The understudy program's play working practice will be taking place Monday through Fridays at our Eureka Villa Adventure Playground in Val Verde, CA and workshops will be held either at the playground or nearby meeting spaces.
The program is slated to run for 9 weeks from June 4th 2018 to August 3rd (currently the week of July 4th is an optional week). The program is scheduled on a week by week basis, individuals are allowed to sign-up for more than one week if they like.
We are currently offering 5 spots per week (Monday through Friday) to understudy participants to allow a more customized experience for each individual.
At this time we hope to offer the opportunity for participants to camp on site at Eureka Villa, there are however several cost effective airbnb options in Val Verde that are walking/biking distance to the site.
$250 per week with discounts for groups of 2 or more. We recommend paying at registration to secure your spot, if you need more time please contact us at info@scvadventureplay.com.
Group Discounts are as follows:
2 = $10 off total price
3 = $30 off total price
4 = $60 off total price
5 = $100 off total price
Playwork with Kids in the Morning...Reflection and Workshops in the Afternoon
Since our summers here in Val Verde can get a bit "up there" we are offering a morning summer play program for kids. Currently set from 9am to 12pm all understudy participants would be working with our play workers preparing, shadowing, and play working for the summer children's program.
After lunch the group will convene for reflection on the day followed by workshops and discussions with our play workers either on site or at a nearby meeting space.
Here's a basic layout of each day:
8:00a: Site setup and prep
9:00a: Kids arrive, play working practice begins
1:00p: Kids depart, Site re-set begins
1:30p: Lunch & Reflection
2:00p: Workshops and or discussions/presentations
3:00p/4:00p: End of the daily program*
*We would highly recommend taking advantage of our local pool for a refreshing afternoon dip... it is free and open to the public every day in the summer from 12:30-5p.

Our play worker in residence this summer is LUKE SUTTON hailing from Wales, UK. Luke is offering years of experience in various levels of play working both on the playground and in the management office. In addition to Luke, our lead play worker Jeremiah Dockray will also be on site to expand the playwork practice.
My work in playwork began as a volunteer age 17 and, from there, I worked at The Land for 5 years. My roles evolved from Playworker to Resource Officer, Senior Inclusion Playworker and Senior Playworker. It was during this time that my interest, passion and style of playworking evolved, along with my curiosity for international projects.
After developing some ideas I began to travel, visiting and communicating with projects from London to Tokyo, New York, to L.A, Texas to East Canada and meeting playworkers from more countries along the way.
Throughout my travels it has been fascinating seeing how cultures, nations and backgrounds influence the affordances and level of permission for a playing child.
This past summer I was the Head Playworker for Play:ground NYC, an excellent project which reinforced my opinion that the US is currently breaking great ground in it's development of playwork projects.
Registration is OPEN!
Please complete these steps to participate in the understudy program.
Fill out, scan and email these back to us at info@scvadventureplay.com or mail to us at 30651 Arlington Street - Val Verde, CA 91384
Pay for your week and secure your spot. We recommend paying at the time of registration if you need more time please contact us at info@scvadventureplay.com.
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